Germany exported 7.8 million tons of scrap in 2023

The company shipped 1.44 million tons of raw materials to third countries and 6.36 million tons within the EU.

In 2023, German scrap companies reduced their scrap exports by 1.5% compared to 2022, to 7.8 million tons. In 2022, exports decreased by 9.9% after growing by 1.9% in 2021. This is according to GMK Center’s calculations based on Eurostat data. Exports of German scrap to third countries in 2023 increased by 9.2% compared to 2022 – to 1.44 million tons. Shipments of raw materials to the European Union amounted to 6.4 million tons, down 3.6% y/y. The main export destinations for raw materials from Germany are the Netherlands, Turkey and India. Over the past year, 1.64 million tons of scrap were shipped to the Netherlands (-0.9% y/y), 699.3 thousand tons to Turkey (+11.9% y/y), and 415.32 thousand tons to India (+109.3% y/y). Imports of scrap to Germany in 2023 amounted to 3.48 million tons, down 21% compared to 2022. Supplies of raw materials from third countries amounted to 334.2 thousand tons (-25.7% y/y), and from the EU – 3.14 million tons (-20.5% y/y). The key suppliers of scrap last year were the Czech Republic – 853.81 thousand tons (+5% y/y), the Netherlands – 813.1 thousand tons (-29.6% y/y) and Poland – 510.41 thousand tons (-21.6% y/y). In 2022, Germany’s scrap imports decreased by 11.3% y/y after growing by 29.6% in 2021. In January 2024, Germany reduced its scrap exports to third countries by 5.9% compared to January 2023, to 97.6 thousand tons. Imports fell by 10.1% y/y – to 21.6 kt over the month. As GMK Center reported earlier, Germany is among the ten largest steel producers in the world according to World Steel. In 2023, the country decreased steel production by 3.9% year-on-year to 35.4 million tons, ranking 8th in the global ranking of producing countries. Steel production in converters fell by 0.9% y/y – to 25.63 million tons, and in electric arc furnaces by 10.8% y/y – to 9.81 million tons. Pig iron production decreased by 0.9% y/y – to 23.63 million tons. Rolled steel output amounted to 30.64 million tons, down 3.6% y/y.
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